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Projekt ESP32 Arduino RC Sound und Licht Controller


Please could you put the manual for:
truck module
trailer module
Include wire diagram (where must i assemble the batery 5V, where the IR diode.... ie that)


Neuer Benutzer
ich baue im Moment gerade einen King Hauler per 3D-Druck und bin bei der suche nach vernünftigen Sound auf dieses großartige Projekt gestoßen. Eine ESP32, Amplifier und viele andere Bauteile habe ich im Bastelschrank, aber wie es scheint funktioniert das Ganze nur mittels der Soundmodul-Platine.... ist das so? Ich vermute, ja.
Ich habe jetzt versucht, diese Platine nach der Anleitung aus dem GitHub zu bestellen und bin grandios gescheitert. Die Beispielbilder passen nicht so richtig zur Website... wie kann ich das Soundprojekt verwirklichen? Sorry, im Bereich 3D-Druck kenn ich mich hervorragend aus, aber bei der Elektronik bin ich blutiger Anfänger....
Was kann ich tun?
Oder gibt es sogar eine Möglichkeit, die Software ohne die Platine zu betreiben?
Ach ja... in der Anleitung sind auch 3 verschiedene Gerber-Files... es erschließt sich mir nicht, was ich da brauche.... welche Hardware ist die Richtige?


ich baue im Moment gerade einen King Hauler per 3D-Druck und bin bei der suche nach vernünftigen Sound auf dieses großartige Projekt gestoßen. Eine ESP32, Amplifier und viele andere Bauteile habe ich im Bastelschrank, aber wie es scheint funktioniert das Ganze nur mittels der Soundmodul-Platine.... ist das so? Ich vermute, ja.
Ich habe jetzt versucht, diese Platine nach der Anleitung aus dem GitHub zu bestellen und bin grandios gescheitert. Die Beispielbilder passen nicht so richtig zur Website... wie kann ich das Soundprojekt verwirklichen? Sorry, im Bereich 3D-Druck kenn ich mich hervorragend aus, aber bei der Elektronik bin ich blutiger Anfänger....
Was kann ich tun?
Oder gibt es sogar eine Möglichkeit, die Software ohne die Platine zu betreiben?
Ach ja... in der Anleitung sind auch 3 verschiedene Gerber-Files... es erschließt sich mir nicht, was ich da brauche.... welche Hardware ist die Richtige?
Hallo, it is possible to build a rough circuit without the PCB...but fault finding is then very difficult. So not recommended if you are a novice with electronics.

The correct Hardware is in the "SMD_30pin_SM" folder.

The easiest way to order is with this link. Make sure you select the PCB+Assembly, then they do all the small SMD components for you. You then only have to do the through hole components.

Arduino RC engine sound & light controller with inertia simulation for ESP32 - Share Project - PCBWay


Ich habe jetzt versucht, diese Platine nach der Anleitung aus dem GitHub zu bestellen und bin grandios gescheitert. Die Beispielbilder passen nicht so richtig zur Website... wie kann ich das Soundprojekt verwirklichen? Sorry, im Bereich 3D-Druck kenn ich mich hervorragend aus, aber bei der Elektronik bin ich blutiger Anfänger....
Falls Du noch Hilfe hier brauchst, meld dich direkt bei mir, dann kann ich dir hier gerne weiterhelfen. An sich steht alles in dem PDF https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32/blob/master/hardware/How To Order Your PCB.pdf nur schaut das jetzt geringfügig anders aus, aber an sich ist es fast noch gleich ;)
Können das ja auch dann per TeamViewer oder so.

Meine Platinen sind heute gekommen, hat jetzt ganz schön lange gedauert ... mal schauen ob ich das Wochenende dazu komme die zu Löten.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


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Hi guys, I'm stuck. When I use web flasher with thediyguy998 actros, micro rc sbus, everything works. But when I try to load the code using visual studio it doesn't work. I don't know where I'm making a mistake. Can someone share a working code with sbus micro rc receiver ready to load in visual studio?


Hi guys, I'm stuck. When I use web flasher with thediyguy998 actros, micro rc sbus, everything works. But when I try to load the code using visual studio it doesn't work. I don't know where I'm making a mistake. Can someone share a working code with sbus micro rc receiver ready to load in visual studio?
Hi, do you know how to use the serial monitor to check what errors it is giving?


Neuer Benutzer
Hi, do you know how to use the serial monitor to check what errors it is giving?
Please build project in debug configuration to get more details about an exception.
See https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf/build_configurations.html

--- Terminal on COM12 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

TheDIYGuy999 RC engine sound & light controller for ESP32 software version 9.13.0
Please read carefully: https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32/blob/master/README.md
XTAL Frequency: 40 MHz, CPU Clock: 240 MHz, APB Bus Clock: 80000000 Hz
Internal RAM size: 383752 Byte, Free: 357496 Byte
WiFi MAC address: 2C:BC:BB:05:18:98
Core 0 reset reason: 1: POWERON_RESET
Core 1 reset reason: 14: EXT_CPU_RESET

EEPROM read.
current eeprom_id: 5
change it for default value upload!

ESC calibration data: ----
ESC pulse span: 600 (Used to adjust the top speed: 500 = full ESC power, 1000 = half ESC power etc.)
ESC takeoff punch: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 150, if your motor is too weak around neutral.)
ESC reverse plus: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 220, if your reverse speed is too slow.)
ESC ramp time for crawler mode: 10 (about 10 - 15), less = more direct control = less virtual inertia)

ENABLE_WIRELESS option disabled, no WiFi configuration or ESP-Now Trailer!
Warning, BATTERY_PROTECTION disabled! ESC with low discharge protection required!
Initializing SBUS (sbusInverted = true, needs to be true for most standard radios) ...
(Make sure radio and receiver are connected, turned on, bound and configured for SBUS output.)
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
... SBUS initialization succesful!
Standard ESC mode configured. Connect crawler ESC to ESC header. RZ7886 motor driver not usable!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!
CH1: signal out of auto calibration range, check transmitter & receiver!


Neuer Benutzer
ok works now , but motor not working, i have suprashobby 25a esc and brushless motor.

--- Terminal on COM12 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

TheDIYGuy999 RC engine sound & light controller for ESP32 software version 9.13.0
Please read carefully: https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32/blob/master/README.md
XTAL Frequency: 40 MHz, CPU Clock: 240 MHz, APB Bus Clock: 80000000 Hz
Internal RAM size: 383404 Byte, Free: 357148 Byte
WiFi MAC address: 2C:BC:BB:05:18:98
Core 0 reset reason: 1: POWERON_RESET
Core 1 reset reason: 14: EXT_CPU_RESET

EEPROM read.
current eeprom_id: 5
change it for default value upload!

ESC calibration data: ----
ESC pulse span: 600 (Used to adjust the top speed: 500 = full ESC power, 1000 = half ESC power etc.)
ESC takeoff punch: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 150, if your motor is too weak around neutral.)
ESC reverse plus: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 220, if your reverse speed is too slow.)
ESC ramp time for crawler mode: 10 (about 10 - 15), less = more direct control = less virtual inertia)

ENABLE_WIRELESS option disabled, no WiFi configuration or ESP-Now Trailer!
Warning, BATTERY_PROTECTION disabled! ESC with low discharge protection required!
Initializing SBUS (sbusInverted = true, needs to be true for most standard radios) ...
(Make sure radio and receiver are connected, turned on, bound and configured for SBUS output.)

Transmitter channel offsets (calculated, if channelAutoZero[] = true):
CH1: -2 µs
CH3: -1 µs
... SBUS initialization succesful!
Standard ESC mode configured. Connect crawler ESC to ESC header. RZ7886 motor driver not usable!


ok works now , but motor not working, i have suprashobby 25a esc and brushless motor.

--- Terminal on COM12 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

TheDIYGuy999 RC engine sound & light controller for ESP32 software version 9.13.0
Please read carefully: https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32/blob/master/README.md
XTAL Frequency: 40 MHz, CPU Clock: 240 MHz, APB Bus Clock: 80000000 Hz
Internal RAM size: 383404 Byte, Free: 357148 Byte
WiFi MAC address: 2C:BC:BB:05:18:98
Core 0 reset reason: 1: POWERON_RESET
Core 1 reset reason: 14: EXT_CPU_RESET

EEPROM read.
current eeprom_id: 5
change it for default value upload!

ESC calibration data: ----
ESC pulse span: 600 (Used to adjust the top speed: 500 = full ESC power, 1000 = half ESC power etc.)
ESC takeoff punch: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 150, if your motor is too weak around neutral.)
ESC reverse plus: 0 (Usually 0. Enlarge it up to about 220, if your reverse speed is too slow.)
ESC ramp time for crawler mode: 10 (about 10 - 15), less = more direct control = less virtual inertia)

ENABLE_WIRELESS option disabled, no WiFi configuration or ESP-Now Trailer!
Warning, BATTERY_PROTECTION disabled! ESC with low discharge protection required!
Initializing SBUS (sbusInverted = true, needs to be true for most standard radios) ...
(Make sure radio and receiver are connected, turned on, bound and configured for SBUS output.)

Transmitter channel offsets (calculated, if channelAutoZero[] = true):
CH1: -2 µs
CH3: -1 µs
... SBUS initialization succesful!
Standard ESC mode configured. Connect crawler ESC to ESC header. RZ7886 motor driver not usable!
Can you show a photo of your connections


Hi Everybody. First, a big thank you to TheDIYGuy999 for the amazing work and for sharing it with all of us!
I've started building my own project and have been hardly trying to get the module to work. I have older v1.1 board, i ordered it about 2years ago.

However, I’m currently stuck and need some help.
I would be really happy if the community's support could help me out here :)

My Specs:
30pin Board v1.1
Hobbywing 1060 ESC
LRP-27Mhz-2ch receiver and standard radio (i will order sbus radio/receiver after i get this work)
3S Li-ion battery

Issue: I'm not able to hear motor sounds, and the ESC doesn't work when it's connected to the ESC connector.

During the code update, I hear rapid beeping from the speaker.
Additionally, if "the battery protection" is on, the controller emits rapid beeping sounds and the blue LED flashes when it starts.
So, as I understand it, the speaker works physically.

The ESP32 development board is the USB-C version, could this be causing the issue?

Below are some observations about my code and settings:

"I'm not sure which platform version to use.
I've tried several, including versions 3.2.0 and 3.3.0. I've also changed the FastLED library as needed, but this hasn't had any effect.

"I'm also not sure what to use for the remote settings with a standard PWM radio..

I also enable this settings, is it right? (3_ESC.h)
#define QUICRUN_FUSION // Linearity compensation for HOBBYWING Quicrun Fusion motor / ESC combo

"There seems to be some strange issue or observation in the 3_ESC_h section of the code.

"According to the terminal, it seems that the calibration for channel 1 and the signal for channel 3 are working.

Here is my setup:


Hi Everybody. First, a big thank you to TheDIYGuy999 for the amazing work and for sharing it with all of us!
I've started building my own project and have been hardly trying to get the module to work. I have older v1.1 board, i ordered it about 2years ago.

However, I’m currently stuck and need some help.
I would be really happy if the community's support could help me out here :)

My Specs:
30pin Board v1.1
Hobbywing 1060 ESC
LRP-27Mhz-2ch receiver and standard radio (i will order sbus radio/receiver after i get this work)
3S Li-ion battery

Issue: I'm not able to hear motor sounds, and the ESC doesn't work when it's connected to the ESC connector.

During the code update, I hear rapid beeping from the speaker.
Additionally, if "the battery protection" is on, the controller emits rapid beeping sounds and the blue LED flashes when it starts.
So, as I understand it, the speaker works physically.

The ESP32 development board is the USB-C version, could this be causing the issue?

Below are some observations about my code and settings:

"I'm not sure which platform version to use.
I've tried several, including versions 3.2.0 and 3.3.0. I've also changed the FastLED library as needed, but this hasn't had any effect.
Den Anhang 204305 betrachten

"I'm also not sure what to use for the remote settings with a standard PWM radio..
Den Anhang 204306 betrachten

I also enable this settings, is it right? (3_ESC.h)
#define QUICRUN_FUSION // Linearity compensation for HOBBYWING Quicrun Fusion motor / ESC combo

"There seems to be some strange issue or observation in the 3_ESC_h section of the code.
Den Anhang 204309 betrachten

"According to the terminal, it seems that the calibration for channel 1 and the signal for channel 3 are working.
Den Anhang 204307 betrachten

Here is my setup:
Den Anhang 204308 betrachten
Hi, here is also ESC_debug:

driveState: 0
pulse(): 0
... PWM communication mode active.
escPulse(): 0
brakeDetect: false
Standard ESC mode configured. Connect crawler ESC to ESC header. RZ7886 motor driver not usable!
escPulseMin: 900
escPulseMinNeutral: 1500
escPulseMaxNeutral: 1500
escPulseMax: 2100
brakeRampRate: 1
lowRange: false
currentRpm: 0
escPulseWidth: 1500
escPulseWidthOut: 1500
escSignal: 1500
motorDriverDuty: 0
currentSpeed: 0

Transmitter channel offsets (calculated, if channelAutoZero[] = true):
speedLimit: 217
escRampTime: 32
CH1: 16 µs
batteryProtection: false
CH3: 10 µs
batteryVoltage: 0.00
driveState: 0
pulse(): 0
escPulse(): 0
brakeDetect: false
escPulseMin: [ 2][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:95] __pi��潑��): Invalid pin selected
E (385) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error

EEPROM read.
current eeprom_id: 5
change it for default value upload!


Hello Puuha,

welcome to the forum. I will try to help you. Normally I use SBUS so I don't know the correct settings for pwm but normally you have to comment out all other settings (sbus, ibus, ppm,...) , then pwm is active.
Be careful: // WARNING: never connect receiver PWM signals to the "CH" pins in BUS communication mode!

Which firmware are you using? The latest v9.13.0?

Last week I updated my Actros to the newest firmware (which is really fantasic - thx to Martin :thumbsup:) so I can tell you my setting recommendations.
For the ESC settings I would use the standard 1080 settings for your 1060, not the QUICRUN_FUSION. Also in the 03_ESC.h file add
#include <cstdint>
at the beginning of the file, then the definition error disappears (worked for me).
For "battery protection" you have to add/solder 2 resistors to the board to get it work. See instructions in 03_ESC.h. Better you comment it out.
For the esp32 board I used "platform = espressif32@3.2.0" in the platformio.ini and the FastLED v3.3.3. Compiling worked.

On your foto I think the connections are done right.

I hope I could help you a little.

Best regards


Hello Puha,

welcome to the forum. I will try to help you. Normally I use SBUS so I don't know the correct settings for pwm but normally you have to comment out all other settings (sbus, ibus, ppm,...) , then pwm is active.
Be careful: // WARNING: never connect receiver PWM signals to the "CH" pins in BUS communication mode!

Which firmware are you using? The latest v9.13.0?

Last week I updated my Actros to the newest firmware (which is really fantasic - thx to Martin :thumbsup:) so I can tell you my setting recommendations.
For the ESC settings I would use the standard 1080 settings for your 1060, not the QUICRUN_FUSION. Also in the 03_ESC.h file add
#include <cstdint>
at the beginning of the file, then the definition error disappears (worked for me).
For "battery protection" you have to add/solder 2 resistors to the board to get it work. See instructions in 03_ESC.h. Better you comment it out.
For the esp32 board I used "platform = espressif32@3.2.0" in the platformio.ini and the FastLED v3.3.3. Compiling worked.

On your foto I think the connections are done right.

I hope I could help you a little.

Best regards
Hi Eamnuel. Thanks for you help.

- I have the latest v9.13.0 code
- My ESC settings is standard (all are comment out)
- i go back to espressif32@3.2.0" in the platformio.ini and the FastLED v3.3.3
- 3_ESC.h i added #include <cstdint> at the beginning of the file
- battery protection is comment out
- PWM communication mode is active

I have now ordered new ESP32 Dev Board V1 - micro usb - i hope this will solve problem..
Currently i have ESP32 USB-C v3 - here is specs.

Development board model: ESP32-DevKitC-32
Module model: ESP32-WROOM-32
Main control chip: ESP32-DOWDQ6-V3 dual-core 32bit MCU integrated WiFi, Bluetooth,
Integrated 520 kBSRAM, 448 kBROM16 kBSRAMinRTC
External Storage: 4MB


Neuer Benutzer
ist es richtig, dass bei der CAT973, CAT730 und Volvo L120 (also die ersten 3 im Webflasher), kein WLAN erstellt wird zum Konfigurieren ?
Ich habe es mit dem Eintrag Wireless Trailer versucht und da wird ein WLAN durch den ESP32 bereitgestellt und auch die Konfig Seite ( funktioniert.
Wie gesagt, bei den ersten 3 Einträgen, bekomme ich kein WLAN durch den ESP erstellt. (wobei der ESP32 aber sauber funktioniert, sprich die Funktionen im Licht/Soundmodul zur Verfügung stehen)




Neuer Benutzer

Danke für dieses tolle Projekt. Ich beabsichtige mir einen 3D gedruckten Panzer zu bauen und ihn mit diesem Soundmodul auszurüsten. Dafür bin ich gerade auf der PCBWay Seite. Kannst du verraten, wieso die ganzen through -holes Komponenten nicht durch PCB Way eingelötet werden sollen bzw. wieso du diese Komponenten herausgestrichen hast. Hintergrund ist, dass meine Lötfähigkeiten nicht die besten sind und ich gerne ein vollständiges Board erwerben würden.

Weiterhin meine Frage, ob jemand vielleicht schon ein authentisches Soundfile für einen Panzer erstellt hat.

Dankeschön :)
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